OpenStreetMap NextGen Development Diary #8

Posted by NorthCrab on 5/22/2024

Welcome to the eighth OpenStreetMap NextGen development diary.

This time the diary is one day early due to how much progress has been made.
There is more than enough for me to prepare a showcase 🏋.

🔖 You can read my other development diaries here:

⭐ This project is open-source and publicly available:

🛈 This initiative is not affiliated with the OpenStreetMap Foundation.

Notes UI Gets a Fresh Look

The most noticeable change this week is a refreshed user interface for notes. It’s now more in line with how changeset discussions look, making the whole platform feel smoother and easier to navigate. Future work will include a discussion pagination support.

And here’s how it looks for those who aren’t registered:

A quick rundown of what’s changed:

  • Note discussions subscriptions
  • New social component with profile pics
  • Color-coded badges for resolved/unresolved notes
  • Easier to see notice when a note disappears from the map

Notes Layer Loads Way Faster

This week I’ve been optimizing the notes layer to make it snappier. The new protocol uses about 6-8x less memory, and is more lightweight on both user devices and the server. It’s all about sending only the bare minimum data needed for the notes layer to show up, and it’s built on the recently introduced new web rendering engine.

Here’s a peek at the data format:

» Open in full screen

The location link has a slightly new look that fits in better with its surroundings.

Feature Icons + Taginfo Integration

One of the more interesting things this week is the new taginfo integration. Feature icons now utilize tagging popularity information. This will improve the icon conflict resolution for complex tagging. For example, if a node is tagged as both a building and a cafe, the algorithm will now always choose the cafe icon because it’s less common.

Click here to browse the data file (if you are curious).

Prepping Up for the Development Release

I’m still working on getting everything ready for the first development release, which should be happening in early June. I’ve been putting together wiki documentation and setting up automated tests and code coverage reports.

Project Sponsors 🏅

Thank you all for your support of the project and my work! You are a real motivating factor that makes this project a reality. ✨

Currently, the project is sponsored by 12 people!
Four private and four public donors on Liberapay, and four public on GitHub Sponsors.

If you can, please consider supporting the OpenStreetMap-NG development 🦀:

Donate using Liberapay
